40 years of faulty wiring

WalMart Involved in a Scandal? Really?

Well isn’t that news, and so unexpected too.  Wal-Mart, according to CEO Mike Duke‘s Statements of Ethics, “our customers trust us to be their advocate. Our suppliers trust us to be an equitable partner. And as Wal-Mart associates, we trust each other to uphold the highest standards of conduct every day.” Just don’t cross the Mexican border, Mike.

Hmm let’s see now. Insofar as Wal-Mart and scandal is concerned there have been a few in its history:

  1. sweatshops – when we discovered that was one reason Wal-Mart could keep lowering those prices that
    created a bit of an outcry, however it didn’t last too long…who doesn’t want low prices?
  2. Chinese pork labelling scandal – Tonnes of pork was deliberately mislabeled as “organic”.  Organic pigs.  Who
    knew?  Watch president of Wal-Mart China resigns after pork scandal
  3. Something about commie China and Wal-Mart – watch America can’t afford Wal Mart any longer. Good ol’
    WM keeps importing unsafe products from China rather than selling our domestic products here where the
    health and safety standards assure we won’t end up dying of asbestos poison when we eat a deli sandwich.
    Tsk, tsk, Samuel. watch the hidden costs of walmart
  4. Speaking of importing Chinese products (which have been made in Wal-Mart’s Chinese sweatshops), heaven
    forbid Wal-Mart employs American and Canadian workers to make products here at home, thus improving the social
    economy and guaranteeing jobs for thousands of people who have been out of work since the mortgage crisis in
    the US of A.  That would be too people-friendly and far too ethical.  (Mike Duke will forgive me). watch Wal-Mart smiley tv commercial
  5. On the other hand, Wal-Mart employees tend to go hungry on a Wal-Mart wage – watch 3 of 10 Wal-Mart Deception
    and Corruption Documentary 

Wal-Mart of course makes a mighty attempt at volleying back these accusations through their PR department.   David Tovar, VP of Corporate Communications, actually kept a straight face during this little blurb.  Well done, Dave. watch Wal-Mart statement on fcpa

Okay, so this one isn’t directly WM’s fault.  However it is entirely understandable if the “suspect” was in a grouchy mood about WM’s victimization of consumers. Perhaps he mistook the tot for a WM PR rep and he let the kid have it.  watch stranger slaps crying child at WM

I shall leave you with this catchy little jingle…..  I’ve always been a CCR fan, myself.

April 25, 2012 Posted by | Bizarre yet True, corrruption, money | , , , , , , , | 2 Comments